Sunday, May 2, 2010

beautiful misunderstanding

beautiful moment

1st day we know, first time we chat......
everything is beautiful even those memory recall by me right now....
that moment, can be consider as beautiful and relax....
slowly.......things change between us......
at first, i ignore, but too bad....the feeling cannot lie....end up i face wit the feel i have...
lucky that......we have same feeling to each other...that i very glad....and happy......

day by day......the thing we talk about..the thing we know about getting more and deeper.....
shall i categories that is a good thing for us? actually i trust that is good thing...but............
when the thing we know more bout each other.....the more thing we share out with each other.......
i really thought will be fine, will be alright, will be better, will be happier....and etc......
slowly wait the text you sent to me everyday, wait the call from you, wait you chat with me.........
it is a sweet moment actually, i no doubt with it!! really!!
the more sweet word from each other, make me feel that yes, this is the thing i want........
the more we spend time with, the more i get addicted with.....
trying to cheat myself...end up fail......
when the moment i need help, you are the one who stay beside me and support me...
when i down, you be there for me and make me laugh back......

when the more thing you do for me.......the more deeper i stepped.....
when the more thing you concern about me....the more i feel happy and warm...
when the more thing you share with me.....the more i rely on you....
when the moment i share my favorite song with you, you said you like it......
when the moment i listen back the song i share with you, i smile.....
when the moment i see back all the text you sent, i feel warm.....
when the moment i think back the advice you told me, i feel sweet......
when the moment i miss you, i feel sweet because got you!

beautiful starting

from the day by day, time by time.................
both of us got a different feeling toward each other........
finally on a special date........we have a normal but sweet starting.........
everything seems smooth......
everything seems nice.....
everything seems happy.....
everything seems sweet....
everything seems warm........

beautiful moment + beautiful starting = beautiful misunderstanding

things start to change from a night.....
is that i think too much?
is that i too sensitive?
is that the fact?
is that this and that.........
and then..........things prove that what i feel is correct.....
started to be moody..
started to be upset....
started to be unhappy...
started to be hurt...
started to be cry......
started to see, recall,think all the thing i have......end up hide at a corner and cry alone.....
it sound so pity.....maybe change another the thing i get from you....."ya,we are too fast" maybe is just a beautiful misunderstanding.....maybe.......i hate maybe....because "maybe" is the word and excuses that for those people who don't wish to responsible.....

p/s: am i do wrong? i not sure..really....i know we are serious with each other....but...what is the main problem? i really don't know.....after cry out, i feel much better...never expect that i will cry out...after that keep repeating the song i share with you.......actually.....i really miss you....shall i say this to you? i no idea...i just be who am i when i with you....


Unknown said...

too fast??
everything is happen so naturally..
not too fast or too slow de..
is tis the ending for the time u wait??

purple dolphin said...

mayb wrong timing lo..
ntg i can do oso..rite?