Tuesday, April 7, 2009

chance and decision

what was the thing thing that appear in your mind?
is that mean the first thing which appear in your mind is the most important thing for you?
everyone get the chance, but how many chances that we can get in our whole life?
could it consider as a miracle thing in life?
what will you do if you get the chance?
how will you get the chance?
will you appreciate the chance?
or will give up?
a chance can change many things,
without chance cannot change anything.
the best way to get the chance is waiting or fight to get?

what is decision mean actually?
is it very hard to make a decision?
what will happen after make the decision?
will regret after make it?
or feel more relax after make it?
what is the main point to make you make that decision?
can it change if you feel regret with the decision that you make?

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